IGN note Just Cause 360

Publié le par sephiroth jenova

8.6 Presentation
It's kitsch and more than a little ridiculous, but everything fits together to form a wonderful, gloriously over-the-top whole.
9.1 Graphics
Pop-up and slight tearing don't spoil what's simply an absolutely stunning, entirely believable world.
8.7 Sound
Convincing environmental effects, daft but entirely congruous voice acting and some brilliant, perfectly apt music.
8.9 Gameplay
Some of the most memorable, eye-popping moments ever seen in a game - and you'll create them all yourself.
7.6 Lasting Appeal
Story missions fly by too fast and side-quests are uninspiring - but if you love the game mechanics, you'll still keep going.
(out of 10 / not an average)

Publié dans tsubasa-game

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